Each of our lives are often demonstrated by our roles. If you are a father, no matter what happens you do not cease being a father, your children will always ask for money no matter what age. If you are a mother, your children will always see you as the one who will love them, no matter how misbehaved the grandchildren are your children will still ask mom to baby sit. If you own property you can always rest assure the county will send you a nice letter asking you send them money for the privilege of owning land.
We all experience always. We all have a role to play within our families, community and government and as believers we always are on mission no matter where we are, who we are with, or what our circumstances are we are always on mission. In the final chapter of Acts 28 the apostle Paul is finally in Rome, but his circumstances did not prevent him from continuing to be on mission.
In this message we come to understand that despite circumstances we are always on mission for the gospel. Regardless of the response we get, we are to be faithful. Listen to hear how each of us as believers learn that our journeys are always on mission; we are to be seekers for the lost as our mission; and we should always be faithful to witnessing the gospel.