What Is Separating You From God? Part 1

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Many people think that God is far off. Is he? The gospel of Luke 15:11-32 describes a son who leaves home. This son left because he didn’t care about his father or his family. He thought by leaving he would find something that would satisfy his appetite, and he went to a far country to do it.

But when the son goes to this far off country he squanders the inheritance he took from his father. He took the inheritance because he asked his father for it before his father passed away. However, when the son was in the distant land he ran into trouble. Famine resulted and his money ran out! Now the prodigal son moves from wild living to feeding the swine. In fact he was so poor no one even gave him anything to eat. He was not even able to eat the cornhusks that the pigs were eating!

So when the son comes to his senses he decides to go home to his father and make amends. But when the son comes home the father is not angry, in fact, the father runs to the son because he saw the son from far off and the father was patiently waiting. The father goes up to his son and kisses him on his neck. The father even decides to adorn the son with the finest robe, a ring, and sandals. But the father doesn’t stop there; he decides to throw a feast. The father calls the servants to kill the fattened calf. Whoa! This type of feast was only reserved for big celebrations. So what was the big deal?

The father was waiting for his son to come home and when the son came home, all the father wanted was a relationship with his son to be restored. And nothing is more important to the father than his relationship with his son. Now the characters in this story are God and his creation, God and us. And no matter how far off you have run, God, the father wants you to come back home to a relationship with him.

The son realized that what was most important in life was with him from the beginning. It was his relationship with the father. Unfortunately, he had to live a life of sin to find that out. But the father does not care about his past, he cares about the present! Because the decision the son makes today will determine the son’s eternal future.

That restoration is not only possible it’s closer than you think. It’s a relationship with Jesus Christ who not only restores but also makes everyone new! Look at 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” NIV. Won’t you come back to the feast? The table is set and waiting. But before you sit down, know that the only thing required is the grace of Jesus Christ, which is his free gift of salvation. Give your life to Jesus Christ today and be restored. Remember, He’s waiting.

If it is your desire to come to Christ I invite you to view these simple steps to peace with God. Steps to Peace with God

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